Health Professionals

Health Professionals

The pandemic, Covid-19, has forced us to think about the meaning and purpose of life. Several families have been victims of the tragedy unexpectedly. In some tragic cases children were left without parents and grandparents.

If you are a health professional, first responder or essential worker who had to work during the lockdown, your young children might have been wondering why you still had to go to work if the virus was deadly. Kids normally think of living for long. Ask kids how long they are going to live and they generously give themselves a hundred years. However, the fear of losing a parent(s) is real. They may not express it in words, but it bothers your children to think that you are going to face a deadly virus at your workplace. As a health professional, you are trained to stay objective. You know how to detach from your feelings to your family and focus on your duty with no fear. But that doesn't keep your children from worrying. So, take time to explain to your children about the real dangers and also the irrational fear that COVID-19 is here to kill all of us. Don't assume that they understand the situation because their teacher explained it to them or because they have watched it on the news. In fact, it may be better to limit their exposure to the news media since the stories are usually made sensational.

Take some time to ask them these questions.

  • What do you think/know about COVID-19?

  • What do you think is the solution? They may have some bright ideas. My daughter suggested using robots for some of the procedures in the hospital to lessen contact with patients. It is a 21st century mindset. Who knows? Robots may handle this kind of crisis in the future.

  • Do you think it is fair for health professionals, essential workers and first responders to go out and work even when when everyone has to stay at home because of the risk?

  • What is your prayer/wish?

And if you can handle the discussion, you may also ask them why we have all this suffering if there is a loving God (Ephesians 3:18-19; Psalm 5:11-12; Psalm 36:5-7)? Don't be afraid to ask this question because you don't know the answer. They may give you an answer that may strengthen your faith.


What did you think about life and death when you were a child? How did it change as you grew up?

Prayer Journal

What is your pandemic prayer? What is your prayer for families affected by this tragedy?